Friday 25 January 2013

Another 365 Idea - Blogging

As part of our work with our gappers, we set out to create a journey document.  In this document, we capture, from start to finish, the growth, experience and milestones each of our gappers accomplish through their 365 experience with us.

Last week, we shared some ideas about how to capture your year.   Another idea, is blogging.   One of our gappers who is having an amazing year thus far has provided us with one of her blogs to showcase how she captures her experience through reflection.  She explores her experience with our coaching and using EQ/Emotional Intelligence as a means of growing into herself, and the person she wants to be.   Being part of this journey is incredible.   We can tell that this one is going to move some mountains! (Dr. Seuss reference)

  Let's visit a short blog from her site:

Reflection time

Thanks to mygapyear I've had so much time to reflect on myself and figure out all sorts of things I've always wanted to know about. I've figured out how I work best, how I have a hard time dealing with stress and how I'm really self critical. All things I would have never had time to think about or realized if I had kept forging full steam ahead into the future. And just these small realizations are making all the difference to how I operate. I always thought that I would need to fully understand the things I want to work on about myself and then take action to begin to change them. Turns out just realizing more about myself is the biggest action of all. Guess they weren't lying when they said "knowledge is power". (I had to throw at least one cheesy reference to that phrase in there). I'm so excited to put all this new self understanding to good use!

So, how are you capturing this year? Share on our facebook group, or @mygapyear!   We want to hear how you are making your mark on 2013.   Learning to grow into yourself and gathering an understanding is certainly a huge part of a gap year - but it can be part of your year with or without a gap year.

How do you measure a year?  Cups of Coffee?

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