Friday 25 May 2012

Where to Start:

 Successful Gap Years &the mygapyear Advantage

Hello future gappers and interested readers.  Hope you found our series on myths about gap years helpful.  I believe there is something about our transition from spring into summer that causes us to think differently about our lives.  We spring clean our houses, wardrobes and for some our lives! With all the new growth around us - leaves on trees and the sprouting bounty of our vegetable gardens.  For many this is a time of transition as well - out of high school, away from college or university or the end of university. This is a great time for you - who are in one of those life phases or the young adult in your life to explore an opportunity to take a gap year, short or long, to 'spring clean' their life in 2012.

How do I plan a gap year?

  1. Create a personal vision/goal ex. figure out my career direction; build self-confidence and independence; learn French
  2. Write down manageable steps to support your vision/goal ex. use a calendar;
  3. Create a budget for your gap year; think about things you love to do
  4. Research related programs and experiences that relate to your vision/goals ex. volunteer to work with children overseas; learn French in France
  5. Share your ideas and surround yourself with people who will encourage and support you to keep this vision alive
  6. Reflect on your self-learning and what direction you want to take as a result of your experience ex. a different academic program; a different perspective 

Feeling overwhelmed? Not sure were to start?  That is where mygapyear can help.  We have a team of experts who are eager to help you discover your passions, goals and dreams.

The mygapyear Advantage 

Our unique approach develops confident and empowered young adults ready for the opportunities that lie ahead. We partner with you to create a meaningful gap year through:

  • Coaching, Emotional Intelligence Building and Leadership Development
  • A researched and personalized gap year plan
  • Ongoing support and encouragement throughout the experience

Interested in seeing how we can help make sense of a gap year for you or the young adult in your life?  Or do you know a school, community group or individual we should get in touch with?  Visit our website or encourage the individual in your life who could benefit from hearing about our work to message us.  We would be happy to chat with you about your goals, vision and questions about your gap year.  

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