Friday, 23 September 2011

Making a gap year affordable

As with most things, taking a gap year often get put aside due to financial limitations.  The cost of traveling, participating in programs and taking courses can add up quickly but your gap year doesn’t necessarily have to cost you more than a brand new car!  Here are a few tips to make your gap year a possibility:
  1. Save up!  Start saving your money now.  You never want to miss out on an opportunity that might change the course of your life because you bought yourself a latte every day for the past 4 years.  A little will go a long way - some banks will “round up” each of your purchases and put the extra in a savings account for you, put all of your change into a jar and roll it once every couple of months and put that towards your gap year fund or collect liquor bottles or printer cartridges that you can exchange for cash.
  2. Ask others!  Why not forgo the ugly sweater from Aunt Francis and ask for her to add to your gap year fun instead.  If all of your relatives combine your birthday and holiday gift money, you could be well on your way to celebrating with a gap year.
  3. Plan to work!  Your gap year doesn’t have to be all travel or course work - try to plan in some work terms into your year.  You can find jobs that will help you achieve your goals AND bring in some money to fund your other adventures.
  4. Host a fundraiser.  There are plenty of fundraising organizations out there that could help you to raise money for your gap year.  Why not sell chocolates or wrapping paper?  Why not host a barbeque to raise money?  Every little bit helps and showing initiative will help you develop your leadership skills, financial skills and show others just how much this gap year means to you.
  5. Look for free or low-cost alternatives.  Want to work with dolphins?  Going to Cozumel to do so might be out of your price range but maybe the local aquarium would take you on as a volunteer - this would cut down on the cost of airfare and hotels and give you a similar experience.  Look for local experiences or experiences that are funded through the government, private organizations or local community groups.

If you want to live like a rock star for a year - win the lottery.  If you want to develop your sense of self, become more independent and grow to meet your potential - save up, consider local opportunities, and turn to others for financial support.

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