Friday 11 May 2012


Last week we explored three common myths about taking a gap year.  A gap year is a unique opportunity to take time away from your regular routine based on your budget, timeline and goals.  But what about school -good question!  This week we are exploring a theme of myths related to post-secondary planning and a gap year.We hope it answers some of your questions,future gappers and families!

Part Two: What about a post-secondary education? 

Going back, getting started and why a gap year can help!

En route to Colca Canyon, Peru

4. They/You will lose a year. When personal discovery and learning takes place, - nothing is lost! Gappers have experienced many different scenarios when working with universities/colleges. Start by looking into your university/college to see if they offer a deferral (or sabbatical) option so that you can delay the start of your first (or next) year. If you have to re-apply, consider building your portfolio and experiences over the course of a gap year to demonstrate your commitment to education in your field.  Some individuals are not ready to embark on their next educational steps after high school.  Here is a video we have put together where some of our clients share their stories about taking a structured gap year.

5. They/You will never return/go to school. By taking a gap year and committing to learning more about the world around you and how you fit into the larger picture  you have the potential to return more motivated, passionate and dedicated to a field that truly inspires you. This renewed sense of energy and self awareness helps young adults commit to an educational path or direction that engages them now and  in their future.

6. Universities/colleges frown on gap years. Gap years have been encouraged in Australia and the UK for decades - they are just starting to be recognized in North America.    Check out what HarvardParenting Blogs and Princeton have to say about gap years in North America. Want to help us put gap years on the radar of universities and colleges?  Please sign our petition on the top right corner of our blog!

Join us again next week as we explore part three in our series: stories of our gappers! We will start to share with you the plethora of stories, experiences and adventures of the individuals we work.

Have we de-mystified gap years for you? Have you started dreaming or planning some time away from your regular routine? Let us know below!

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